Leadership Hillsborough Class of 2024 with Sulphur Springs YMCA Leaders

Leadership Hillsborough Class of 2024 with Sulphur Springs YMCA leaders.

It’s bright yellow, has tic-tac-toe on it and is beautiful - it’s a Kindness Bench. Presented to the Sulphur Springs YMCA on May 1, 2024 – the Bench is a gift from Leadership Hillsborough’s (LH) Class of 2024. Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA staff, Sulphur Springs PK-8 Community School leaders and LH class members were on hand for the event.  

As shared by LH: “The beautiful bench was made by local artist, Bryant Martinez, with assistance from Pepin Academies’ welding students and LH class members. They utilized recycled metal and painted a vibrant color as a symbol of joyfulness, happiness, energy, and kindness. The benches also include an engaging tic-tac-toe feature, an unspoken invitation to play.”  

The group donated four benches - their community project - across Tampa Bay to benefit various organizations.  

Our grade two gardening club was on hand for the unveiling, and they loved it. Nicole Kettermann, Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA’s Director of Youth Health and Wellness and LH Class of 2024 member facilitated the Bench installation. She explained more:

“I was thrilled with how the installation came together. I knew I wanted a Bench for the Sulphur Springs Garden when we began to discuss this project. Thank you to my classmates and Leadership Hillsborough for this gift.”

Anne Hollins, Board Chair, Leadership Hillsborough attended the presentation. She noted:

“The Kindness Bench installation at Sulphur Springs PK-8 Community School was a great success. Our board and class members in attendance were excited to learn about the Tampa Y’s partnership with the school and all the community outreach being done there. The impact this year’s class is leaving in our community through this project truly warms my heart and I’m incredibly proud of them.”

Interested in helping? You can donate here to support the Sulphur Springs YMCA.

Published Tuesday, May 14, 2024.