Preparing for a Bright Future
The Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA Junior & Teen Achievers Initiative is a national youth development action plan centered around aiding students with a variety of societal & life pressures that may hinder their holistic development.
Intended for 6th – 12th grade students who live and attend schools within Hillsborough County & Zephyrhills, youth the opportunity to participate in college and career readiness training sessions that are strategically designed to empower students to set and achieve their educational and career objectives. At-risk middle and high schoolers have the opportunity to participate in this nationwide initiative that elevates academic standards and aids students in learning how to excel as successful and responsible citizens. Junior and Teen Achievers are immersed within monthly career clusters, that engage students with weekly meetings, activities and mentoring sessions.
Program Objectives
Unfortunately, thousands of Florida students arrive to school each day with more than a backpack, they have baggage beyond their years including, hunger, homelessness, poverty, exposure to violence, mental health struggles and more. They carry so much weight that it's difficult to focus on education. Every child deserves the opportunity to learn and succeed, but the reality is that a child’s zip code and family circumstances often determine their future, and that potential is lost. Children who grow up in poverty are 5 times more likely to drop out of high school. Today, nearly 80% of the prison population are 6th – 12th grade dropouts. The Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA believes that every child should have the same resources, opportunities, and privileges to strive to reach their career aspirations. A child’s background, race, economic status or even the neighborhood in which they grew up in, should not cause any student to be viewed any greater or less than another student. Every child can succeed despite the societal barriers that they happened to be born into, through no fault of their own.
Junior & Teen Achievers will also participate in activities like:
- Quarterly S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Activities
- Leadership & Mentoring Sessions
- SAT/ ACT Preparation Tutoring Sessions
- University, Community College, & Trade School Tours
- Career Exposure Tour
Criteria & Enrollment
Teens must be in 6th-12th grade and reside in Hillsborough County or Zephyrhills. Enrollment begins in September for the duration of the academic school year. Summer programs are offered at specific locations.
Junior and Teen Achievers will also utilize various lessons within the 6 to 16 curriculums known as “Success Bound”. The 6 to 16 curriculum was developed at The University of Chicago Urban Education Institute, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This program was piloted with over 400 students in 4 Chicago public schools in 2009, and served over 1, 300 students during the 2009 - 2010 school year. Through various partnerships, the 6 to 16 curriculums have served over 16,000 students since its inception. Below are links to the 6 to 16 executive summary, & various articles that can provide more context to the impact the 6 to 16 curriculums has had when utilized during projects like “The Success Project”, that took place at Dr. Carter G. Woodson Middle school in Chicago.
- 6 to 16 ~ Connect to College & Beyond~ Executive Summary
- 6 to 16 - Carter G. Woodson Middle Campus: Seventh Grade Opens or Closes Doors to Chicago's Best Public High Schools
The 6 to 16 collaboration platform allows administrators, teachers, parents, mentors and students to interact and coordinate services for students engaged in 6 to 16.
The 6 to 16 Collaborative Platform makes is possible to:
- Deliver college readiness tools and e-learning activities to students.
- Assign in-school and out of school mentors to students for collaboration on essays, activities, and resources.
- Provide anyone who teaches college readiness content with lesson plans and resources suited to their grade, while monitoring student progress.
The 6 to 16 curriculum has four key themes: Belief, Path, Readiness, and Connect.
6 to 16 Curriculum Foundations
BELIEF - The student will have an informed belief in his/her ability to graduate from college. S/he will be committed to this vision.
PATH - The student will know the process for getting into and graduating from college and demonstrate that s/he is on that path.
READINESS - The student will know, develop, and demonstrate the skills and competencies for success in high school, college, and beyond.
CONNECT - The student will exercise agency and ownership over his/her educational process and identify and access external resources to support his/her goals.
For example, if the identified career cluster for the program kick off month of October was focused on various aspects of the trade industry that student achievers may be interested within; students would spend the entire month of October learning about the requirements and steps needed to pursue a career within the few examples of trade industries listed below. Students would also have the opportunity to attend university tours and speak to individuals within the identified career fields for that month.
October Career Fields:
1. Barbering / Cosmetology
2. Construction
3. Plumbing
4. Trucking
5. Pilot
6. Mechanic
7. Coding
8. Digital Media / Design
9. Electrician
10. Welding

Register Today Program Agreement
Be a Role Model for Teenagers
The Tampa Y is looking for adults who want to inspire Teen Achievers members and give career talks. Get involved and support Tampa youth and the community! Contact us for more information on how you can support, partner and volunteer with the Teen Achievers program.
If you choose to donate, please select YMCA Youth Development to support the Teen Achievers.