standing teacher talking with five kids sitting at table at Sulphur Springs K-8 Community School while Bay News 9 films

Spectrum Bay News 9 honored Joanna Hernandez as its A+ Teacher of the week last month. Joanne Hernandez is seen here tutoring the kids with a game of sight word bingo.   

Congratulations is in order for one of our teachers recently recognized by Spectrum Bay News 9 as an A+Teacher. Each Tuesday morning, Spectrum Bay News 9 Anchor Erica Riggins features an A+ Teacher who is inspiring and leading students across the Bay Area. 

Joanne Hernandez has worked at Sulphur Springs K-8 Community Partnership School (SSK8) for four years as a Kindergarten teacher and a YMCA tutor. Last year, the Sulphur Springs YMCA posted a tutor position for the Afterschool program. 

“I knew where my kids where and I was comfortable with my kids. So, I knew exactly what they needed from their testing in the classroom which helped a lot but instead of just doing it during the school I decided in the summer also. I had gains from five sight words to 17 sight word depending on how often they came and were tutored at the Y in the summer,” she says. 

She said no matter how often the kids come, it’s still beneficial. 

“In the summertime they get 12 weeks where some of them don’t even open a book, so we try to give them that opportunity at the Y to still learn,” she says. “The Y is an excellent opportunity for any family because you may not have time to read to them at home but besides our tutoring they have academics. They also have field trips. So, when we do this we’re giving them an opportunity to not slack off during the whole summer. During the summer they are doing some work and we try to make it fun. There’s no grading there’s no testing.” 

Joanne believes that students need supportive teachers and has stayed at SSK8 because it feels like family, everyone helping each other to be successful. 

“This is my second career. I started this kind of late and because of it, it wasn’t as easy as the young kids as far as technology but I had a lot of support. And our principal that we have here, Mr. G, is just awesome. He has helped me a lot. I teach the kids where they’re at and he’s helped me with that,” she says. 

Joanne plans to retire in two years. The one piece of advice she’d like to give other teachers is “Get to know yours kids. Once you get to know your kids and see their needs, you’ll want to teach them. You’ll want to help them. And that’s what makes the difference.”

The Sulphur Springs YMCA (SSYMCA) is dedicated to continuing the academic and social emotional support of SSK8 students through the extended day and during the summer. SSYMCA programs are designed with intentional academic curriculum based on what students are learning in class, and aligned with positive behavior support and social emotional tools utilized by the school staff.  

“Collaborative leadership between the Tampa Y and the school make it possible to support students beyond the classroom, including but not limited to family engagement, health and wellness supports, expanded learning opportunities and access to resources. By having Ms. Hernandez employed by the school and the Y, she is a prime example of the partnership and alignment taking place,” says Meagan Smithyman, Community School Director/Associate Executive Director/Sulphur Springs YMCA.

Joanne says teaching year-round was worth the sacrifice of giving up part of her summer.

“The YMCA is a good, good, good thing for the kids to participate in during the year and I recommend it when I have new kids come to my room I give them a Y application.” “That’s part of my first introduction when I introduce myself that paper is stapled to them because it’s a benefit and the fact that it goes all summer long is even better of a benefit. And if you can get your child into VPK or daycare something so that they’re learning before they become a kindergartener.”