Nearly 20 years ago, a car hit Mary Nous while she was taking a stroll with her husband. The tragic accident killed her late spouse and robbed her of the ability to walk among other traumatic injuries. “I was never supposed to get out of bed,” shares Mary.   Wheelchair-bound, Mary is determined to recover, which is why a friend encouraged her to join Enhance®Fitness, a proven senior fitness, arthritis management and certified falls prevention program, at the Campo Family YMCA. That’s when life started changing for Mary. “I’m able to do more now,” Mary says. “It’s a big deal for me to do things like stretch my arm out, which is easier for other people.”   Mary even accomplished her first sit-to-stand out of the wheelchair during a class assessment. “Since I’ve been taking EnhanceFitness I have better rotation. I’m able to move my leg back and forth, which I couldn’t do. I couldn’t flex my wrist, which I can now,” demonstrates Mary.   Mary says the classes are worth getting up early even though, “It takes me a lot more time to do things, but at least I’m able to do it. I’m very motivated. My EnhanceFitness teacher is very motivational.”   Mary says going to the Y has even helped with her speech, “because I’m socially interacting more.” As for that friend who recommended she start EnhanceFitness, Mary says, “She’s always giving me a ‘yahoo’,” she laughs, “which is nice.”   EnhanceFitness has been recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other national organizations committed to improving the health of older adults. The 16-week program is also available at the South Tampa, East Pasco, Bob Sierra, Plant City and Spurlino Family Ys. Click here to learn more.  
  Pictured above: Mary Nous has mastered the sit-to-stand exercise in her Enhance®Fitness class at the Campo Y.