Tampa Y staff volunteers pose kids from Sulphur Springs K-8 Community School students on the tennis court. Kids are smiling and holding rackets after their first tennis clinic.


They say you learn something new every day. Well, that “something new” is tennis for 16 Sulphur Springs YMCA campers at the Sulphur Springs K-8 Community School. They were introduced to tennis at no extra cost once every six weeks this summer.

Tampa YMCA Marketing Analyst Ryan Gelhaus and former Accounting Manager Roger Bigio got the ball rolling with a generous donation from the USTA Net Generation, which provided all of the equipment. “We had a feeling that most of these kids had not been exposed to tennis and we wanted to introduce a new sport to them,” Ryan says. “I didn’t learn tennis until after college, but it’s a great lifetime sport that they can play.”

During different games and drills, Ryan and Roger covered racquet control, hand-eye coordination, proper stroke technique and footwork. The kids also learned how to keep score while learning the rules of the game. “I enjoyed having the kids say ‘I can’t do that’ when I introduced a new skill or drill and then they would pick it up pretty fast,” Ryan says. “Also, seeing their improvement from the start of the program to the end was great.”

Sulphur Springs YMCA campers Amaya and Anaya, twins, pose with tennis rackets on the tennis court.

Senior Art Director Ken Huelhorst and Chief Development Officer Scott Barnhard also came out to teach a few lessons. “My favorite part was getting to work with all the YMCA staff here and play games with them and they encouraged us,” says 12-year-old Anaya McKenzy. “Mine was hitting the ball and serving it,” proudly says her twin sister, Amaya.

Scott said it was amazing to see their progress each week. “The children were able to learn something new and enjoy themselves,” he says. “Also, watching them get better because Amaya and Anaya were hitting the ball like no other today. That shows the progress they’ve made. They learned a new sport.”

“I think it’s important to expose youth to as many different sports as possible. Hopefully, the kids will continue playing and it keeps them physically active,” Ryan says. The Tampa Y is hoping to make this an annual program. “I can play tennis with my sister now in the yard or at the park,” says Amaya.

Thanks again to the USTA Net Generation for helping kick off this pilot program. If you have in-kind donations to share, please contact donors@tampaymca.org. Gifts of your time are also appreciated – to learn more about volunteering for the Y, click here.

Pictured above, Group photo (L): Sulphur Springs Y campers and Tampa YMCA staff (from L to R) Ken Huelhorst, W. Scott Barnhard, Roger Bigio and Ryan Gelhaus. Pair photo (R): Twins Amaya and Anaya McKenzy, 12, strike a pose on the court during one of their lessons at the Sulphur Springs YMCA at the Sulphur Springs K-8 Community School.