Married for 21 years, Louis and Rosalyn Dill love spending time together. But when Rosalyn would frequent the Campo Family YMCA, her husband used to do nothing but wait. “There wasn’t anything for him to do and he’d sit. Then we’d go home and he would go directly to his chair and fall asleep,” recalls Rosalyn. That was before Louis discovered Enhance®Fitness, a senior fitness and arthritis management program to improve endurance, strength, balance and flexibility.   As a Korean War veteran, Louis has always been pretty healthy but with age came arthritis, Alzheimer’s and balance problems. In fact, when Louis started the 16-week Enhance®Fitness program, he needed a walker to get around. “He started taking the class, then went to a 3-wheel walker and he’s been on a cane for about four months now,” shares Rosalyn. “He’s able to get out of his chair now using his legs and takes off. He even goes up and down stairs.”   “I feel stronger,” testified Louis. “I have a lot of energy.” But it’s more than just exercise for Louis. “I have a lot of friends. They spoil me and I love it,” exclaims Louis. “We’re like family.” He also appreciates Y instructors. “They’re great. They’re very professional,” says Louis. “They know I have a cane and they take that into consideration.”   Now, when the couple comes home from the Y, Louis doesn’t head straight for a nap. “Now, he wants to go with me shopping,” shares Rosalyn. “His energy level has improved. He helps me around the house more and doesn’t complain. It’s changed. It’s wonderful.” The duo thanks the Y for their enhanced quality of life. “We look forward to coming here,” says Louis, also adding that his main motivation is his wife. “She likes coming here so why should I sit at home?”   With a cane in hand, Louis feels at the top of his game. “Everyone is jealous that I have the strength to do this,” shares Louis. “The VA couldn’t believe the condition I am in at 86 years old. I’ve lived longer than any of my aunts and uncles!” Beaming with pride and adoration, Rosalyn adds, “He’s a happy camper and loves it!”   Enhance®Fitness is offered at the Campo, Bob Sierra, South Tampa, Plant City and East Pasco Ys. For more information, click here, contact or stop by one of the participating Ys.  
  Pictured above: Louis Dill says the Campo Y’s Enhance®Fitness program helped him progress from a walker to a cane.