After the grand opening four months ago, the community flocked to the new Spurlino Family YMCA at Big Bend Road ready to benefit from the Y’s much-needed services. But many are unaware of the impact that started before the new facility even opened its doors.   The new Spurlino Y is one of the many successful public-private, joint-use lease agreements with the Hillsborough Board of County Commissioners. Under this collaborative effort, the Tampa Y works with the county’s Human Services Department to provide in-kind services through memberships and program access for low-income, vulnerable residents.   During the partnership’s first year, 175 families, 150 seniors and more than 40 teens facing financial hardship had access to any Tampa Y location to better their health and well-bring. “My roommate and I are extremely grateful and honored to be a part of you guys,” testifies Dayshalee Salaman. “I play basketball overseas and having the honor to work out in the YMCA was great. I was able to do weights and basketball workouts. My roommate had a hip replacement and couldn’t finish rehab because the sessions were too expensive. Thanks to Hillsborough County, we had a free membership all year round and she had the opportunity to work on her strength. That was huge!”   This past year, the in-kind program also sent 186 kids to summer or spring camp, in addition to, providing nearly 60 adult swim vouchers and more than 200 youth program vouchers including swimming, soccer, basketball and more.   The collaboration between the Y and Hillsborough County reaches outside of the walls of the Y, impacting children and families in schools and senior centers. The YREADS! program helped kids learn how to read and the Y’s Veggie Van - A Mobile Market Place delivered fresh produce to 700 seniors housed at local senior centers. Watch this video to see how this new county collaboration is improving senior health.   The Y’s county collaboration grows even stronger with every senior, child and family served. Thank you, Hillsborough County, for coming together to strengthen the community!  
  Pictured above: Watch the video above to see how the Y is working with Hillsborough County to improve senior health.