SilverSneakers became a part of Kathy Ertell’s life three years ago. While she was benefitting physically from the Downtown YMCA senior fitness program, she also enjoyed the camaraderie and mutual support. But a little over a year ago, Kathy started to feel and act differently. “It began as excessive fatigue,” recalls Kathy. “As time passed, it got worse. I started to give up lots of things but one activity I didn’t give up was SilverSneakers.”   At the same time, Kathy was experiencing mental confusion, memory problems and muscle weakness.  Aside from sleeping and church, the only constant in Kathy’s life was SilverSneakers. “It was my lifeline. If I gave up on SilverSneakers, it was as if I was giving up on life,” shares Kathy.   Several months and misdiagnoses later, an MRI finally revealed Kathy had a tumor in the part of her brain that affects personality and behavior. On Christmas Eve, Kathy woke up from brain surgery a different person. “I could think again. I could talk again,” remembers Kathy. “My legs were stronger. I was back to my old self in the recovery room.”   Back at the Downtown Y, Kathy’s SilverSneakers group prayed for her during cool-down. This moved her to write them a letter stating, “I gave up many activities but I refused to give up SilverSneakers - not because I love to exercise but because of all of you. I think of you as a community of friends who accept, care about and encourage each other. We are stronger together and last year, I needed your strength.”   Only a few months later, Kathy participated in the Gasparilla 5K walk with her SilverSneakers instructor, Tom Little, by her side the whole time. “My goal was to finish in less than an hour and we finished in 56 minutes – not bad for two months’ post-brain surgery,” recalls Kathy.   Today, Kathy is back to normal and back with her Y family – a family who will be with her through anything life throws her way. To learn more about the Y’s programs for active adults, click here.
Pictured above:  During a serious health scare, SilverSneakers became a lifeline for Kathy Ertell (pictured on the far left in white shorts).