In such a diverse world, we are stronger when we are inclusive. That’s why the Y’s doors are open to all - giving everyone the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. Case in point, a new Special Night Out for those with intellectual disabilities at the Plant City Family YMCA. The event is the brainchild of Family Activities Coordinator Elizabeth Patton, who wanted to offer a nurturing and welcoming environment for the adaptive community to have a carefree night of fun.   The inclusive and beneficial events are open to anyone high school age and up each month. Attendees experience new things and meet new people while dancing, singing and enjoying refreshments. Future events will include painting, sports, family games and swimming.   Jade Curran has attended all of the Plant City Y’s Special Nights Out so far. Her mother, Kim, says, “All of the kids - not just Jade - really love this. The parents just love that the Y is doing this. This is just one more way for Plant City to incorporate kids with special needs with the rest of the community.”   Positive feedback is overwhelming and other Tampa Y locations are already starting to follow suit. “These events are completely free and open to everyone in the community – not just members,” explains Elizabeth. “We’re doing this because the Y is committed to supporting its community and offering events, like this one, to help everyone benefit from group interactions and physical activities.”   To learn more and to find out what your Y is up to this fall, click here.  
Pictured above: Adaptive community members dancing during a recurring Special Night Out at the Plant City Y.