James Staten and his wife, Alexis, have a special place in their hearts for the Y and so does their family. The couple decided to give back by partnering with the Y through their pool business they co-own because of their previous personal involvement.
“I started working at the YMCA in Edgewater, FL as a teenager. I was a camp counselor there for a few years and met a lot of great people,” James says. “When I moved to go off to college, I continued to work for the YMCA, only at my new location. There, I helped with various youth programs and assisted in the gym. I have a lot of great memories working with the other staff and families that came to the Y.”
To help spread awareness during May’s National Water Safety month, each year the New Tampa Y partners with Olympus Pools, which commits to donate $100 for every new pool sold that month. This year, the couple presented a check for $5,000 to the New Tampa Y to help kids learn life-saving water safety and swim skills.
“Creating a space where families can spend time together is a passion that we share, as well as a love for the water. All five of our children enjoy swimming and our 15-year-old is on the varsity swim team (at school),” Alexis says. “Our children have been involved with several sports through the Y. We feel as though the Y is a wonderful organization that has had a positive impact on our lives and we enjoy supporting their cause.”
And their Tampa business is growing. Olympus Pools is now in two locations; Lutz and Lakeland. “Our hope is to continue to grow and serve other areas. As we grow, we will continue to give back to our community,” Alexis says.
Thank you Olympus Pools for continuing this important partnership year after year. Learn the many ways to give back to your community by
supporting the Y.
Pictured above: New Tampa Family YMCA Executive Director Robyn Ostrem accepts a donation from Olympus Pools co-owners Alexis and James Staten.