5 Days of Action for child abuse prevention awareness campaign. Colorful border, interior white background with three shades of blue for icons illustrating "know how it happens" "see the warning signs" "respond as a safe adult"

Each April, the YMCA participates in Five Days of Action, an initiative designed to create awareness and inspire adults to take action to protect children from abuse. Five Days of Action takes place April 24 -28, 2023.

At the Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA, we recognize the importance of families, guardians and the community uniting together to raise awareness to end child abuse and neglect. Through the Five Days of Action campaign, we encourage and inspire adults to take action to protect the children in their lives.

The Five Days of Action campaign reinforces these three simple habits:

1.    Know 
2.    See
3.    Respond 


When you KNOW and understand how child abuse happens, you can stop it. As adults, it’s up to us to do all we can to prevent child abuse and create safe environments for children. Teaching children about their bodies, learning how to recognize warning signs and responding to any concerns is key. 


It isn’t always obvious to SEE the signs of abuse – but they are far too often there. Keep your eyes and ears open for signs of abuse. Emotional or behavioral changes in a child can be a sign of trauma or abuse. If you see or hear things that do not feel right, follow up. Have a calm, relaxed conversation with them.


You must RESPOND when you suspect a child is being abused, you discover a child is being abused, or if a child discloses they are being abused. It is important to be a safe adult and listen calmly and openly when a child is discussing their abuse. Ask open-ended questions like “what happened next,” and let the child know you believe them and what happened to them was not their fault. 

Following these three simple habits can help protect children for a lifetime. Learn more about National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Five Days of Action