Gain Strength and Endurance

The lifeguard prep course is designed to help prepare participants for American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certification by building a foundation of knowledge, attitudes and skills for future lifeguards. While participants are not required to master or perfectly execute skills, they should learn proper swimming techniques and build stamina lifeguards need to be successful.  

This lifeguard training course does not certify participants as lifeguards or provide certifications in first aid, CPR or AED use. This lifeguard training program helps teens and adults prepare for future courses that provide those certifications. 

Lifeguard Prep Course Prerequisites

  • Swim the front crawl for 25 yards continuously while breathing to the front or side.
  • Swim the breaststroke for 25 yards using a pull, breath, kick and glide sequence.
  • Complete the Water Competency Sequence (below)

Water Competency Sequence 
Participants must complete the following without stopping:

  1. Step into the water from the side and totally submerge.
  2. Maintain position for one minute by treading water or floating (or a combination of the two).
  3. Rotate one full turn and orient to the exit.
  4. Level off and swim on the front or back 25 yards.
  5. Exit pool without using a ladder or steps.

Cost*: Members: $90, Non-members: $115

*Participants also enrolled in the Tampa YMCA Junior Lifeguard Program can add this course for $70 (both members and non-members). Learn more about the Junior Lifeguard Program for teens to learn leadership skills.

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Lifeguard Certification

The course to complete in order to work as a lifeguard or be prepared for an emergency. It's not just a job, lifeguard certification is a helpful set of skills for parents and guardians.

Junior Guard

Junior Guard is a leadership program for teens ages 14 & 15 who love the water and want to begin a career in Aquatics.