Military Family togetherness through the Tampa YMCA. Military Family togetherness through the Tampa YMCA.

Tampa YMCA Military Families Program

The Operation Strong Families program, funded by the Children's Board of Hillsborough County, supports active military and veteran families. This family program for parents and children meets two evenings per week for 10 weeks for 60 minutes each time. Parents will meet with other parents in a small group setting led by a facilitator once per week for a discussion and once per week for a workout. While adults have their sessions, children in grades 3-6 meet together twice per week for their group sessions (younger children may stay in the Kids Zone childcare while the parents and older siblings meet).

During the program, families will experience the following benefits:

  • Reduced stress for parents/caregivers
  • Increased knowledge of community resources
  • Improved social support for all
  • Enhanced youth self-esteem

Operation Strong Families (OSF) is a 10-week targeted program designed for active duty and veteran families. Our goal is to make the Tampa YMCA a local destination where these families can grow in health, connectedness, and mental wellness.

Operation Hero (OH) is an enrichment program designed to address issues faced by many of our military youth. The program is for children who experience academic difficulties and children who demonstrate difficulty dealing with emotions or other barriers.

This family program is open to the military community and offered at no charge thanks to funding from the Children’s Board of Tampa Bay.

Program Highlights

OSF & OH will meet 2 evenings per week at the same time. Registration is open now for programs starting the week of April 28 and running through July 11, 2025!

Click On Your Site Below to Enroll Today:

Participants: Active military & veteran families, including children in 3rd through 6th grade who are enrolled in Operation Hero.

Curriculum: Small group discussions focusing on the lived experiences of military families, and small group personal training to enhance physical and mental health. Children will work within a small group of children just like them 2 days a week for 10 weeks in a curriculum provided by the Armed Services YMCA, tailored to address the unique struggles of military life.

Program Objectives: Reduce stress for participating parents/caregivers; Increase knowledge of community resources; Improve social support for participants; and Enhance youth self-esteem.


Operation Hero 

Operation Strong Families 


Welcome / Me, Myself, and I/ Self-Esteem

Welcome / Introductions / About My Family / YMCA Resources



Self-Identity / Mutual Respect / Becoming Strong Together



Family Financial Readiness / Resources


Honesty / Integrity

Ways to Share Military Experiences with Children


Feelings / Caring

Dealing with Mental & Emotional Impacts on Military Families / "Emotional Tank"


Deployment / Family Seperation

Feeling Together When Apart / Communicating / Youth Education Resources


Problem Solving / Teamwork

Family Routines / Rituals / "Game Night", "Movie Night"


Family & Friends

Resiliency Cues / Journaling / "Coaching Each Other"



Dealing with Conflict / "Becoming Unstuck"


Wrap Up / Final Week

Wrap Up / Final Week

Funding for services generously provided by the Children's Board of Hillsborough County.

children's board hillsborough county logo blue and purple text

For more information, updates on registration, or any questions, please email us at: