Opening up New Worlds with Reading at the Central City YMCA

They couldn’t wait for the free books to arrive at their homes. Attendees of the New Worlds Reading Initiative parent workshop – parents/children alike were excited to learn more about the program on February 13, 2025. The event was held at the Community Initiatives building adjacent to the Central City Family YMCA.
The New Worlds Reading Initiative is a free, at-home Florida literacy program. It is aimed at VPK (voluntary prekindergarten) to grade five public and charter school students reading below grade level.
The program mails free books and reading activities to eligible students each month of the school year. Books are selected in collaboration with the Florida Department of Education based on children’s interests, grade level and Florida B.E.S.T. (Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking) Standards. They include both fiction and nonfiction books in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole and braille.
New Worlds is funded by the University of Florida’s Lastinger Center for Learning. Tampa YMCA has served 150 children through the program since October 2024.
Armani Lubin (pictured above), Tampa YMCA’s Mobile Literacy Coordinator conducted the workshop. He notes that the New Worlds Reading Initiative has multiple benefits.
“It helps children not only learn new stories but also offers reading activities that focus on improving reading comprehension, helping kids engage more deeply with the material. The age-appropriate books and resources meet kids where they are, allowing them to work their way back to the appropriate reading level. It also encourages a love for reading, ultimately setting children up for long-term success in literacy.”
“Many parents new to Florida were unaware that the state offers programs like this one, so they were excited to learn about the opportunities available. It was great to see parents who were genuinely interested and invested in learning more about New Worlds. It was excellent to hear their enthusiasm as they discovered that additional practices and resources are available to help their children get back on grade or age-appropriate reading levels. Their eagerness to support their kids' literacy journey was truly inspiring.”
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